Saturday, February 8, 2014

Old Testament Margin Notes and Pictures

To help my kids learn the stories of the Old Testament, and to be able to FIND the stories in their scriptures I have made some really simple illustrations in the margins of their scriptures.  The kids were excited to see them and mostly knew what stories the pictures represented.  The few stories that the little kids didn't know I think they will pay more attention to next time they hear. 

In the margin I also wrote what the story was, and where else they could read about it (for example: the creation, the fall, and Noah's ark are all also recorded in the Pearl of Great Price).  

I used colored pencils and a mechanical pencil so it wouldn't bleed through to other pages.  

There are some amazing people and stories recorded in the Old Testament!  Some of the books of the Old Testament were the plates that Nephi and his brothers went back to get from King Laban.  
Nephi's testimony was formed reading about these great people.  
Moses was Nephi's scripture hero- Nephi encouraged his brothers saying,
 "Let us be strong like unto Moses" (1 Ne 4:2).  

To make it easier to mark up future sets of scriptures (we give each child a set of nice scriptures when they are baptized) I have made a printable chart showing where I marked, what I wrote in the margin, and which picture I drew.  If your first thought was that you could draw way better pictures, you are probably right.  
It doesn't need to be perfect to do the job!  

This is just the beginning of the Old Testament.  There are still great stories like Daniel in the lion's den, Jonah and the whale, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, etc, I just haven't gotten that far yet!    


  1. Hello and thank you for sharing your terrific ideas with scripture marking! I keep trying to download your documents but the images won't come through? Would you be able to email them to me? Thank you!!

  2. hi there! i love this! i just bought myself a large print economy bible at deseret book ;) i plan to mark it all up as i study with my new seminary calling!
    have you finished up the OT Pics yet???
    thanks again
