Saturday, March 30, 2013

Our New Family Scripture Teaching Tool

We recently purchased a dry erase board for our family scripture study.  It was at the recommendation of a friend whose dad used something similar for their family scripture study.  When she first suggested it I couldn't think of anything that could be drawn, except for the Plan of Salvation.  But after I gave it some thought I came up with a lot more ideas:

  1. Lehi's Vision of the Tree of Life
  2. Allegory of the Olive Tree (Jacob 5-6)
  3. How God's word is like a seed (Alma 32)
  4. Nephi's explanation of why we need baptism in 2 Nephi 31 (pictured above)
  5. Creating lists: like names of Christ, attributes of Christ, prophesies, or lies of the devil
  6. The Pride Cycle
  7. The kids can illustrate what we have read and discussed
  8. We can write an Article of Faith, a verse, or a new Primary song that we want to learn as a family
  9. We can issue a scripture challenge and have them mark off a box as they complete it
  10. Illustrating Christ's parables for greater understanding
  11. A character study (for example: drawing Nephi and then writing all of his good qualities as we read through First and Second Nephi)
  12. Contrasting Alma the Younger before and after his conversion in Alma 36 and Mosiah 27
  13. Keeping track of the different groups of people after King Noah dies
  14. The Armor of God
  15. Playing Scripture Pictionary at Family Home Evening
  16. And of course, the Plan of Salvation  

I hope that a couple things will happen as we use this new tool.  First, that our children will better understand what we are discussing and that it will be more permanently imprinted in their minds since they will have heard it and seen it and sometimes drawn it.  Second, that they will be more excited and prepared to create their own scripture journals since they will have seen how ideas and words can be illustrated and organized to teach a principle of the gospel.

I'm still brainstorming.  I'd love suggestions!

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